
writers guidelines


It’s great to see you contributing to Trendos’ blog. If you have any queries about the content we post, please go through this entire page; it will give you a better understanding of how things work at Trendos.

 What do we put out there?

  • Trending content – 1000 – 1200 words
  • Unusual writing and/or design abilities
  • Professional writing and design abilities are required.
  • Content that is noticeable
  • Your content should be appealing to the eye.
  • Your content should not be plagiarized from elsewhere.

What counts as plagiarism (this list is not exhaustive): 

  • Copying another person’s work and submitting it as your own draft, word-for-word.
  • Copying another person’s work and changing some words or phrases.
  • Copying any part of another person’s work, whether changing words or not.
  • “Spinning” another person’s work- Our Spin Bots rejects that automatically.
  • Using someone else’s pitch and idea as your own, including the progression, workflow, and main aspects of a post, examples, images, etc.
  • Copying content from any website, whether an author is given or not.

Enthralling arguments

  • Your arguments must be compelling.
  • There should be only one link to your company’s website.
  • Only one link to your website or page is permitted.
  • You must link to at least 2-4 Trendos blogs that are relevant to your blog or we can add that as well.
  • Integrate your links into the middle sections of your content instead of placing them at the start or conclusion.
  • For proper attribution, include the image source and ensure no text is written on the images.

What do we leave out of our publications?

  • Duplicate or Copied Content– We do not republish content that has already been published on our website.
  • Promotional – We will not publish your article if it is too promotional or biased.

Straight away Rejections

  • We will not post your article if it promotes gambling.
  • Casino, gaming, CBD or any other Grey Niche
  • Adult content will be frowned upon.
  • Do not include naked URLs in your article’s content; use proper hyperlink formatting.
  • The word count should be at least 1000.
  • Please avoid submitting sales pitches or self-promotional content, as they are against our guidelines and won’t be approved.

Note: Check any grammatical errors, misspellings, and excessive spaces using Grammarly/Microsoft Word (tools).